The Easter basket is a tradition mostly, I think. We always put together toys, candy, fruit, crayons, coloring book, etc. and set the baskets up by their bedsides the night before Easter.

They would wake up on Easter morning to find them.

I have an Easter story. When my daughter, Alicia, was only one month old, she became suddenly very ill and wouldn't stop vomiting. I called the doctor who told me to rush her to the hospital.
They entered her in the hospital, this tiny, tiny little baby wrapped in a blanket and so ill. I was frantic, beside myself. I couldn't bear the thought of losing her. When she cried it sounded reedy and weak. I couldn't even hold her because I was overcome with fear, the fear of losing her.

A wonderful nurse came to sit with us and stayed until Alicia fell asleep. I couldn't sleep all night and prayed and prayed..with all my heart for her to live.

This was a Catholic hospital. This all happened on Easter Eve by the way. At dawn the next morning I saw the shadow of three crosses on the hospital room wall and was reminded of the love Christ has for my little one.

I felt that He told me she would be alright and He comforted me. She woke up and was much better. That's one Easter I'll never forget.
Aarikja Ann