Having 4 kids I was supermom for over 25 years.Now the youngest are in college and my married daughter has a baby. We live in different cities over 800 miles apart so our personal contact is limited but we do chat on the phone often.As I can't physically help her I mostly chat about my experiences with my kids, what works, what doesn't work, my successes, failures, etc.I try to listen to her.But she doesn't really feel comfortable with me as a friend.There is theat dreaded 'Generation Gap', you know.I feel like we are still trying to find ourselves here.

What has worked well for you in your relationship with your grandchildren and grown children and their families? What should I avoid? What works well? (Right now I am agonizing over sending a BIG stuffed bunny for Easter, or do I send a tiny basket for his tiny hands?) Appreciate all ideas on successful grandparenting. Thanks- Jane