its been said before but its worth saying again i commend your bravery in opeining up with your honesty. Talking about stuff and being meet and treated with compasion so very important to us and becomes more important if we are feeling vulrible. The benifits of talking can be great and varied and i hope that is what you find heer.

eagle is a wee darling and she genuinlie lives to aid people with words or stuff she can do, you may off helped eagle by allowing her to help you..i don't think you will have burdend her.

the panic attaks don't seem strange or rediculise as you put it....its part of whats happening to you at the minuet. The loss of your theripist and nabours bound to have you feeling extra vulrible and scared in the world. I hope that us women heer can provide some suport and help for you at this time. Good luck finding a new theripist and in your continue healling.

all my love at this time, celtic
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn