Thank you everyone for your lovely comments.
Dotsie - this is my very first grandchild. I am deliriously happy. There doesn't seem to be any one word that truely expresses my feelings, but joyous, elated, and warm & fuzzy come pretty close. This is really what it's all about!
Anno - I'm not sure how to get some pictures up, but will give it a go very soon.
Celtic - Hannahs Mum (my daughter) is doing fine now. She had rather a long and difficult labour, so she was of course exhausted. They went home from hospital yesterday, so she is feeling much better. Just being at home lifts your spirits after such an ordeal. I can see that they both just adore their new baby daughter and will be wonderful parents. Thanks everyone.
Best Wishes,
The Secret Part II:
For U.S. Baby Boomers: