
Once in time slaviery was ok, the hollocost was ok, the inquisition was ok...them time turnes people get more evolved and find out that the stuff that was once ok and right and proper that they do was wrong to do all along...after years of shouting and screeming about their rightness and their rights to whatever it may be, it must take one big fall in ego and pride to face the truth of the destruction in the world and to personal lives just becouse they weer sure slavierie or such was so verie right......and then how do you explain that to your god, who will forgive you but their will always remain consiquinces to all our humanlie actions.

Slavery has never been "OK". Even so, the Celts (Gauls), the Romans, the Greeks, Northern Africans,
Africans and so many more cultures I can't even mention them all, owned slaves. All one has to do is study a bit of history to see that it has been documented that in North America the majority of black slaves were sold into slavery by their own people.

My own grandmother was a bond servant sold into slavery by her own father. The major cultures of the world have utilized slaves to build their cultures but it has never been a good thing for the slaves except that in their slavery many people who suffered found Christ and have passed that wonderful heritage on from generation to generation.

Hitler was a German who was empowered by Satan. He hated the Jewish race and tried to expunge them from the face of the earth. The Jewish race are God's chosen people. Only a God hater would try to erase the chosen people of God. Christians support our Jewish brothers and sisters completely. That is pretty evident politically, I think.

There will never be a day when there will be an amalganization of all the religions of the earth because what fellowship does light have with darkness. If you are not for Christ in this life, you are against Him and not a friend of God.

The whole reason God sent Jesus was to make a way for fallen man to come to Him. He knew how evil the heart of man has the capability to become.

I have never understood how anyone can try and lump sexual orientation into slavery, or the holocaust when that particular political block has more sanctions than any other and more government money goes to politically correct organizations and blocks within that faction than any other.

Its offensive to me for that faction to try and jump on the bandwagon with people like my grandmother who had to work out their freedom and like my brothers and sisters whose lives meant nothing in the concentration camps of Europe.
Aarikja Ann