yea questioning is part ofmy spiritual dipipline is an ongoing monitoring process as its too easiy to get behind a belife system assome you fit it and living it in your life and forgete to cheek or reevaluate....So i aske myself what if i am right about stuff but also what if i am wrong....somehow within a big organisasion that TELLS one they are right the indivduel lets them do the thinking for them and stops evaluating. I still belive in my personal responcibilitie MINE so i best make sure i am doing the best i can, with my life. especillie if i gonna infuence or tell anyone else to change their mind regarding their belifes. Obviously i got some prettie strong held belifes about certine things, things i am also pasionate about. Personal experinces that leaves no room for doubt about certine things. One thing about me is i never run out of questions especillie in the area of spirtuality. One one something gets answered their room for another question to get asked...I like it that way and my own personal certinty sustaines me under havy fire at times and at crossroads in life.

The the type of religion i belong to is one that allows me my personal responcibilitie tells me of an all loving god but lets me know their are consiquinces in the afterlife for our actions (like their are in earth good and not good consiquinces) not hell or anything near it but real true sufferring like comming to fullie relise the pain you actulie have coused and having no one else to blame barn yourself for that pain....Have you ever felt true sorrow? then thats trulie dosen't sound like hell or all that scarrie and its not ment to but thats sufferring indeed...but one that will stop when we evolve enough to understand what we have done, when we forgive ourselfs and when sufficent amends have been conducted. I try to do my ammends in this life whenever i can. We all go to that hell and by learning and evolving we then go to heaven....(using those words in relashion to this spacific content not the biblical notion of hell)
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn