Casey, in my flavor of Christianity, women are evangelists and preachers. I personally don't believe in women pastors any more than I would like to be ruled by a female president, but I think there are some wonderful, intelligent and passionate women in places of great authority and I'm proud of them and admire them.

I pray for my husband every day that God will give him a new heart and will change him from the inside out. I pray that even though he isn't a believer that God will give him wisdom and courage for leadership and headship over me.

I see my husband as God must see him and grieve for him as God must grieve for him. I take care of him and try to treat him with respect and unconditional love even though often times he doesn't show the same to me.

At the same time, I'm being a true daughter of my Father and being as wise as a fox, I have my own home, my own car, a job and am fully supportive of myself with God's help.

I'm sorry my words offend you. It's not easy being an unbeliever. The Bible says the ways of the trangressor are hard. Life will never be easy for anyone unless and until they completely surrender their will to Christ and give him the reigns of control.

I truly DO care with all my heart. I'm sorry you feel the way you do about me, but I'm only doing and saying things that need to be said.
Aarikja Ann