Thanks for posting your private account of "the hug" what effect it had on your life and some of your private spirituale experincess, it takes guts at times to make those views public...

Your take on evil is fair and grounded ....i liked best the expression that evil is not equile to god....

I would put evil down as a collectiv of energy be it thought, actions, past deeds, remains of tramau thats twisted the human spirit in some way (which can be healed and recovered) I can't view or wont view people as evil but recognise that they can do eveil acts, from the small to the global.

mostly i see evil as the opposite of live i know its a play on words (from a dslexic be impressed lol) and it's how we live that matters, our overarching intensions and summasion of action...
and thats all from me on that subject...i don't like giving it too much air space or focusing on it, i would rather focus on being compasionate to others as they have dune wrong and myself in my wrong doings...

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn