Anno, you are so right! God gets blamed for so many injustices all over the world, when all He ever really wants is for His children to be happy and healthy and to love Him and to be obedient to Him.

Let me pose an idea to you: If you were very evil, or had nothing on your mind but to kill as many people as possible, to destroy as much as possible of the earth and all its inhabitants, and to steal from them their happiness and joy and well-being and health. If you hated mankind just as much as God loves them, how would you go about it? How would you go about stealing from them, killing all of them and destroying all that God made?

Would you come down on them like an ogre, ugly and horrible and with so much force that they would be aware of you and hate you and be prepared for you and fight back?

OR, would you appear to them as an angel of light, all loving and all revilement, no anger, nothing to be forgiven for because everything is relative to the individual and their circumstances, nothing but pure sweetness and light.

You'd catch them unaware and thinking you were "all that", when in all actuality you would be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

God gets the blame for His evil counterpart posing as the "good guy". Most of the time, the evil angel doesn't even get acknowledged. If God is just a spirit and permeates everything then Satan is a spirit also and permeates everything.

Every culture acknowledges the existence of good and evil. The Ying and the Yang, Shiva as opposed to Krisna, etc. I believe there is a hater of your soul and it isn't God.
Aarikja Ann