I believe God is a three-person divinity: Father, Son & Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is our comforter. He's the one I talk to, wrap my arms around, and hang on to for dear life. There are things I don't understand and when I get to Heaven I hope the answers will be there. I don't understand why nice people suffer. I don't understand why dogs don't have lifespans as long as humans. I don't understand why a loving God allows abuse. But it's my understanding that He makes good out of the bad. I believe God is Great. And I know life isn't always good. But I've never heard God actually speak to me. I wish He would. But as yet, He has not.
And I believe when we die, our spirits or aura, lift upwards to Heaven!!!! For ever and ever, amen!!!
bonnie rose

P.S. Great topic there gimster from greater South Texas!!!