A great wee question indeed Celtic.
I used to have a very persistant nagging worry which would tell me that I could not be so loveable....then I would and do now see that the love I feel is reflected back in many different ways.
'unashamedley' .....well, I have a big, soft open heart....and it is allowed to be so, without my core vulnerabilities(which I chereish I might add), being crushed by deed or word. Such freedom is a great gift to give as much as it is to receive.....and we both give of ourselves in this way.
I also used to think that I could never break the constraints of my past....watching Celtics' determination to evolve has been inspirtional. I now know I can do the things I only used to dream of.
What do I bring in return?? Emotion without shame, desire to shine and be the best I can. To give every ounce of all that is good within me.
Well, that's about as mushy as I am prepared to be in public.
I am a dreamer.....Celtic is a realist
Celtic is a do-er.....I might if coaxed some.
I bring niavety to protect....Celtic crys..allowed.
Money burns a hole in my pocket, Celtic saves like a goodun.
I sing....we laugh.....we compliment eachother and accept such compliments with good grace(I had to practice with that one)
I am more obvious with my shyness...Celtic is more sure footed. I can imagine our lives may years from now as does she.


ps....I also feel amazonian/closer to my god/godess because of how and why I am loved.
''Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love