I just got around to reading this entire post on names....such fun learning everyone's real name, the meaning and how they feel about it. After 50-something years, I've finally made peace with my name. Growing up, I absolutely hated it and asked my Mom constantly "Why?!" My mother had this thing for the name Janie. As a child, she named all her dolls that! So after 2 boys, she was convinced that #3 was also a boy so she had Christopher in mind. My Dad, knowing how much she wanted a Janie, presented her/me with a new bureau at Christmas (one month before I was born) with a card that read "Merry Christmas, Janie." She was touched but very sure he'd be disappointed. When the old doc came out and told Dad "it's a girl" my Dad said "I know!!" And the rest is history. Still, I felt so traumatized because at the tender age of 15 I had to listen to that old shampoo tv commercial that said "Plain Jane, a failure!" It stuck with me. My husband has made the comment (without thinking) referring to an antique car as a "Plain Jane." lol He always feels so bad but it makes me laugh now! I'm at peace with Jane Marie. It's the feminine of John, meaning gracious gift of God. How good is that?
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane ~ Jimmy Buffett