Celtic, this is one of the toughest nights I've had to endure in quite a long time...much fear regarding my brother entering a very precarious stage of treatment tomorrow morning. The pain is raw, the fear is breathtaking, but I'm determined to make hope and faith my focus and strength and be a beacon of light and life for him throughout the coming week. And I've been praying for the past hour or so for help in changing my focus from grief to hope, and from being sucked in by fear to radiating light and faith that we will make it through okay.

You have no idea how uplifting your words are to me tonight...I shared in one of my other Feb 5th posts that God just seems to know how to reach me, and tonight your words are His way of bringing consolation and encouragement to my aching heart. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, because they helped to remind me that there IS power in this Eagle's heart, and it will carry me/us through whatever we have to get through this coming week.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)