My healing began and my life began turning around when I finally believed that God really loves me, more than I can imagine, is on my side, rooting me on, and will ALWAYS put into my life everything I need for whatever part of the journey I'm on. He uses people, music, books, doctors, medications, TV shows, the Internet - BWS - you-name-it - whatever He knows will reach, heal, help and en-courage me to stay the course. When I grasped that truth and claimed His unconditional love for myself, it changed EVERYTHING - how I hear, see, search and lean against everything in my life as His love in action. It's not always easy, but I know without doubt now that I never walk alone, that He has indeed put into my life everything I need to make it through. For me, there are no co-incidences.

Edited by Eagle Heart (02/06/07 02:05 AM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)