
I guess if the older person has the resources and help lined up, then who am I to say she's too old to have the baby? My only issue, I think, would be the extra risk for the babies - as women age the risk for the baby grows.

Bambgibb said that she was a retired retail clerk. I can't imagine her retirement being very much to live on.

She also said she was looking for a young husband to help her raise them so she must be single.

Back when I was having babies (back in the old days ) they told us not to have babies after the age of 35 due to the increased risk of birth defects. I know everything has moved up ten years so maybe it's now 45. I sure wouldn't want to have a baby at my age but then I've already raised two and nearly raised a third. If I didn't have any children I might feel differently.

I think it's sad that many children today don't have grandparents because their parents didn't have them until they were older.
