My Mother gets up every single day, (She's almost 80) and always has, and throws open the front door and says, "Morning World!" She does so with gusto and growing up, I can tell you it was embarrassing to me.

But as I grew mentally, I realized that this how she chose to start her day, being grateful. I thank the good Lord above that she taught me how to start mine.

As the girls have said, gratitude is a choice. Make the choice each day to have a good day and watch what follows. The thing I have found to be true is that once you've set your mind on the GRATITUDE CHANNEL, you can't go back. Once you've learned to be thankful for, and to look for the good in things, you can't go back to being negative and down.

Yes, things happen and you have to deal with them. Be grateful that you have the THINGS to deal with. This means you are alive and can make choices!

Think about this. Who wants to be around someone who is down all the time? Who is negative? You've all testified that you've had situations like this and couldn't wait to get away from the negativity. This alone proves that the world WANTS and NEEDS to feel good.

Feel good. It's easy. It's your choice.