copper hi and welcome...if you feel brave enough try posting that you are new in the welcom part of the forum then everyone will be alerted to the fact that you are new and will welcome you instead of stumbling upon you in a post. If some tenderness and support is needed that is a fast way to interact and get to know some of the wonderfull women that are heer. If you feel too shy doing that then not to worrie, its not obligotory, i noticed your name and didnt think i had meet you before so just wanted to say hi to you.

you found a good thread to be involved in if you are trying to be positive and greatfull, i hope it is such a good comphort to you...

I am sorrie to learn that you have and are having tough times i am sure that you will recive the care that is necassary for you at the minet. If i can ever be of help to you then feel welcoome to give me a shout. Their is a lot of kind and carring women heer with all diffrent types of backgrounds and situasion, their bound to be someone going through similare sitasions or circumstancies to yours.

well hope to be chatting to you again and hope the difficulties that you have are eased in some way for you

talk soon love celtic
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn