i been reading this thread but not posting i thought of you all today and it helped with the situasion at hand.1

as i woke this am moving from dream to wake my wee voice in my head 2 said take a taxie to hosp....i woke and thought hosp.... lol No, lol i had semi forgoten hosp apt but though ok fair enough get taxi 3 as im getting over a bug....potencial accedent or whatever.

got their for assesment for opp 4 on back not looking forwared to it as it resembles all in wresttling session. I come away very soar.

consultent decides 5, to give me steroid injections into both hips, their socets, and the socet of right arm, gulp...wasent expecting that. So while their descussing the lenth verses the boar of neadle!!!lol like i needed to hear that! i am praying, 6 nurse askes why i quite without a blink i told her why i was quite. While doing the injections their saying swear if you want to 7 lol, i was joking back 8 had to abort the arm to get local pain injection 9 then they carried on. nurse was glasweigien 10 i brok into slang we laughed 11.

Thank doc he laughed said dont thank me i was hurting you, i went yea but long term 13...

partner ill at home with child. i phoned them 12 and whinged got a "their their love u be ok"11. said some more prayers having cofe 14 waiting for taxie. Re-set my attitude 15 felt less sorry for self 16 thought of you lot again and this thread 17 hobbled to taxi passed young man in wheelchair both legs amputated above knew last amputasion just finished with 18 was happy i still had the legs and hips even if they did hurt

I promised child 20 id take him to park after hosp, couldn't disapoint him do kept my word....it was worth it 21 his delight and giggles on slides etc.

had tastie convience food in house 22 and strong painkikllers 23

wasent gonna post this day events as not intresting to anyone else really but when i relized what an ongoing effect this thread was having on me decided i would 24 once child was in bed 25.

today i was gratfull for self trust, god, prayer, doctors, a carring partner, child, countrie i lived in, religious/spiritule freedom, monie for taxies, convience food, having a child, abilitie to keep word, and you ladies (genrilly) with this thread (spacifically). I put a wee number by every point or event weer I felt gratfull or thankfull...

the end of day soar yep but would of been anyway, head and hart good really good and much healthier than if i felt sorry for myself...at times my head was trying to take me their (due to pain) but open eyes and willingness easily lead me back to good place.....i havent worked as hard at feeling and being as gratfull for what feels like quite a long time....gratitude big part of my working life (addiction espically around na aa or nar annon work/programes) ironic eh!....time to more practice what i preach lol

think i will go back to doing daily gratitude lists just to keep it toped up.

so too everyone thanks for all you said heer with this post

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn