Anno, I think this is such a great idea. I love it. YOu two must be very close.

I must share that many summers ago, I chose to begin writing my blessings daily. The kids were all home for the summer and I wanted to stay focused on the positive instead of the day in and day out sibling battles. Keeping three kids occupied on thsoe long summer days and nights was a challenge.

Anyway, when I began, the lists were short. As time wore on, my focus throughout the days became, what will I thank God for tomorrow? It's amazing how I began focusing on the good in life. It's life changing.

Now I spend a little part of my mroning journaling and quiet time thanking God for very specific happenings from the day prior. Things as simple as weather, calls for friends, things people say, books, forum posts, etc.

Gratitude is an attitude, and a great one too.

Gals, what prompted you to write your book? Want to share?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.