well now hon...if it's any comfort at all, please know that I've had "lumps" removed and biosped from my breast, k? I just didn't want to go back and relive the experience. It was very scary, and one of the things they asked was whether anyone in my family had the big C. At the time, the answer was no. But in MY mind, I was surely going to be the first to have it. I just knew I was doomed. I had to wait the whole weekend for the results and it was all fine.

But during that weekend, I managed to consume enough food to feed small countries...if they could live off chocolate and Oreo's, that is.

So what I'm saying is it all turned out fine, they were benin...well, except one. It was cancerous. They removed it, and I'm fine. I mean that was over 5 years ago and look at me now!!!! I look like a basketball with teeth! I'm fine...I'm fluffy! I'm healthy....so take heart honey child...you are gonna be around to write that perfect funny novel...k?

Now you can choose to spend you every waking hour worrying (which is what I did) orrrrrrr....you can maybe do this...focus on someone else that needs your help and go help them. It will lighten the load, guaranteed...

sending tons of love your way, JJ