There are not enough words to adequately express my profound gratitude for all of you, for your heart-lifting expressions of care and support, for your patience in allowing me to keep this thread open throughout Gary's journey, for your prayers and love. You will never know just how much strength, courage, hope and light you radiated into my life through your faithful companionship-along-the-way. I will never forget your kindness or generosity of spirit and heart.

I think, if it's okay with everyone else, that perhaps we can close this thread now...I'd like to start hanging out in some of the other boards now; I'll be raw and achy for awhile, but I'd like to start paying forward some of this kind presence you have all so faithfully been for me all these months.

Dotsie, what do you think? Can we close this thread?
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)