Thank you Celtic. I'm holding fast to the belief that healing is happening.

Gary is still in ICU, on life support, and had a seizure of some kind last night. As bad as that sounds, the CT scan showed no bleeding, the EEG shows no other seizure activity, and the doctors think it was caused by high sodium levels (which is treatable).

And yet, as terrifying as this ought to be, the belief that something is happening is unshakeable. The hospital chaplain came into Gary's room today, touched his arm and then told me "something's happening here". He felt it. The email address list for my daily updates has grown to over 30 people in just a few days (they call themselves Gary's Miracle Team) and are all full of positive vision for Gary.

I choose to believe that healing is happening. I choose to look up and see a different set of images on the screen, believing in wholeness and perfect health for Gary. I believe that God is doing an incredible healing miracle in Gary. We are loving him into that miracle.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)