Updates: My brother is doing well...a brief lull between storms. He has another CAT scan tomorrow night, then we'll find out next week whether he goes through another round of DHAP chemo, or straight to the autologous transplant (in which case he'll be hospitalized for 3-4 weeks). He's in what his medical team call a resting period, where his body is recovering from the intense chemo blast he had two weeks ago and building up strength for the next chemo blast. He's eating well the last few nights, and has enough energy to walk around the apartment.

I'm doing well. The dizzy spells seem to have passed, though they seem to worsen when I'm here at my brother's. I didn't have them at all while at home. My BP is perfect. I still have to call and make a doctor's appointment to get my bloodwork done...want to check my estrogen and lead levels. My sister-in-law told me that she used to have terrible dizzy spells while she was going through menopause. That's the likeliest culprit for me, but will get a thorough check-up done as soon as I can get in to see the doctor.

Thanks to everyone for your care...gosh, I just don't know how I would be getting through all this without you! It's so heartwarming and encouraging to have you all to lean against when the going gets scary and tough. Saying a special prayer of gratitude and thanksgiving for you this morning!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)