I just discovered something interesting tonight. My brother has a beautiful set of small dessert plates that used to belong to my Mom. We use them every day. Tonight I was reading the bottom of one of them, just to see what the inscription was. Along with the description was the warning to NOT (the word "not" was in big bold letters) use these plates for food consumption. Which makes us think the paintings on the plates may contain lead...I've been using these plates several times a day almost every day for the past six months. Makes me wonder if there might be a connection between the lead-painted plates and these recent health problems. I'm going to get my blood checked next week just to see...my brother's going to ask his hemotologist to do the same the next time he does bloodwork.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)