This one is very naughty!!! I was only sixteen.
I was in my first year of study for my jewellry at a trades and crafts centre.
We had a very snooty supevisor who was a bit of a jobs worth, who would come into our jewellry workshop nearly every day and make some banal comments about safety...bla bla! (He had very long nasal hair and big ears...and was a bit of a leer!) One thing he also used to do daily was to lift any chocolate that some of us gals would have sitting close to our workspace.
I finally had enough of him one hatched a very yucky plot!
One the morning of one of his very tedious safety talks...which ate into our recreation time...he appeared in our section as per. I had chocolate sitting in front of tantalizing gold wrappers..cute little squares of the stuff. He grabbed about four or five chunks...I protested as usual...then pretended to concede the battle and be generous..telling him that this particular chocolate was special and from my cousins in Canada...he munched through it all in no time.
We were then summoned to the rec roo for the safety talk.
I watched with my mates as he blethered on and on and on....labouring over silly points.
As time went on...he started to look a little pale....then a little uncomfortable.....then the colour rose in his cheeks quite rapidly.
He then abruptly excused himself...and ran in the direction of the gents!!!
Ha...I had been there before the safety talk and covered the loo bowl with cling film!!!!
We all raced down and listened outside the loo's.....first came releif....need I say anymore!!!! The choc was indeed nylax.
I is soooo awful...but it did put an end to his letching...and I was a high spirited teenager!!
He never came into our section again.

''Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love