That's outlandish, all right!!!! I wouldn't want to be the one to clean up that mess.
I know how to delete when in the process of posting a post, it's a day or two later, after I've mulled it over and decided I ran-off at the mouth more I should've. Then I go back and can't find a darn edit button: all I see are reply, quote, and quick reply.
You know, I went back and looked at that post yesterday. When I read how much it made you laugh, that made me laugh. I re-read the thing and got hysterical; I laughed till I cried! Never before had I found that scenario funny. The ability to laugh at yourself, is great medicine. You're good for the soul, my friend.
Ciao for now,
B. Rose

P.S. The edit button is here now!!!

Edited by bonnierose333 (01/25/07 02:17 PM)