I drove straight thru not quite knowing what to expect.
Tyrned around and drove home with my husband,still not doing real well. Saw our Dr immediately and he stunned me when he told me, take him back, he was in the best possible place for OTand PT,
Well Duh!!! Give me enough time and I would have figured it out. He could work at his trade with a therapist right on site.

So on Thur I drove back out there.3,000 miles in a week.

I was planning on heading back home early Fri morning.

I love animals but that blamed cat of my granddaughters started me on a trip I will never forget.
One bathroom was reserved for kitty. Always fresh water in the toilet, RIGHT??
EXCEPT, no one shared this with me. AND THE LID WAS UP!!!!!

I lived in a household of men so a dunking of the south side was not unknown to me, BUUUUUUUUTTTTTTT, have you ever
experienced what a wet cat can do??
I got up in the middle of the night and did not turn on any lights, not wanting to wake my husband.

Suddenly, I was dealing with a wet,dunked cat, mad as I have ever seen a cat. I will leave out pertinent details but seems I had knocked her into the toilet and she was not a happy camper.

At 2:00 am in a quiet house being attacked by a mad,wet cat, I was suddenly wide awake. She ended up one way and I the other.

Sleep was a thing of the past so figured I might as well head for home. Dumb move on my part.

How many of you gals have slept with 25 truckers????