Excuse me…don't know who's talking here…got a slight case of schizophrenia.

Was that just you, Celtic, who posted that frightening post about neighbor's houses getting burnt?

And now I'm reading a post about you worrying if Po's dress will fit?

Well gee,… what's a burning house compared to that problem ! Hahahahahaha, you crack me up.

When my son got married, I thought as you; why do people start 6 months ahead with wedding plans? They had a huge wedding and organized it within a month. We didn't have any wedding advisor doing it for us either.

I just drew circles around the first of February, and wedding bells!!!!! Gosh, I'm truly excited for you two. We sort of lived through Po's ups and downs…and this sure is one big UP!

Please post us an address where we can send you a wedding card if we wish to. Thanks