heehee.. it's funny you mention the "no bathing" way to avoid the flu.

Actually, we are one of the cleanest nations and one of the sickest, because we are so clean. Imagine that!!

We dont' let our bodies natually build up its immunity system against germs. We are so "germ-free" crazed that we're making ourselves sick!

Now, if you ask me, I'd rather be clean.. but it makes sense. How is our immune system supposed to protect us if we continue to weaken it. We don't give it anything to build itself up, to strengthen.

Why are there so many autoimmune disorders? Nowadays, kids are sicker than when we were at that age, and I bet we were sicker as kids than our parents were at that age.

We don't have more germs, we have less and less ability to fight the germs.