I have seen this news on the boys and sadly it didn't take the press long to start sensationalizing the story and pointing a finger at the child that was held captive since 2002. When they would say things like, "It's been said that the young boy had access to a cell phone and it has to make you wonder why he didn't call his parents....BUT we have to wait and hear his side of the story." THIS kind of reporting makes me ashamed of news people. This boy is a child. HE IS A CHILD. Who knows what kind of things this CHILD has had to endure? Who knows what he has been told?

I can guarantee you one thing. If that were THEIR child, they wouldn't be saying those kinds of things...planting seeds in the viewers minds. How sick is that?

GIVE THE FAMILY SOME PEACE is what I say. They've been through enough.

Lola, I'm so sorry you and your daughter were put through a terrible act such as this! You too, Hannalore.