Lola, I can sympathize with you. When you think of the shocking trauma you and your daughter lived through, I can understand that your stomach still churns. Thank God your daughter was able to scream, so that you could catch the gypsy right away.

I didn't have as near a horrifying experience as you did; but when I think back on the incident I had with my son, my hands get clammy as well.

We were once in Venice, and it was the height of the tourist season. The masses of people just shoved each other through the narrow alleys. During the pushing and shoving, my five-year-old son's hand was ripped from mine. In that moment I think 1000 horrible things blitzed through my head. I fought back through the crowd screaming his name. The people just kept shoving. They didn't even seem to take notice of me, or the panic I was in. It took only three or five minutes, (the longest minutes of my life). Then I spotted him pressed against a wall crying bitterly.

I know what you mean Lola, when you see real fear in a child's eyes. He had that too. That look follows me to this very day. My heart goes out to those parents that have lived through child abductions. It has to be the living hell.