As a relative newly dx diabetic, type 2, I have several things to suggest. I myself am able to manage so far by diet and exercise. I do find several things that work for me and maybe one or 2 can help your husband. First I highly recommend drinking lots of water, at least 8-10 glasses a day. Besides being good for your body it also fills you up so you aren't as hungry. I find if I drink water first then if I truly must indulge I do with 1 chocolate kiss. 2nd suggestion is one you received earlier. Beginning a meal, even breakfast and lunch with a green salad gives you healthy food and fills you up so you eat less of the not so healthy foods. Third thing is to exercise. I know it is hard, but it is easiest if you can find a partner to do it with, do it regularly as a routine and start out small and build up time and endurance. Often brisk walking is all it takes. Everyone should have a lunch hour so if you eat for 10-15 minutes and walk for the rest 15-30 minutes that works. Especially if your husband is working long hours, he should find that walking in the middle of the day will increase his afternoon productivity as well. Walking is cheap and can be done anyware, at anytime. Good luck.