My husband is also a type II diabetic. For him the thought of having to take insulin shots every day was enough to motivate him. He lost 30 lbs the first month just because he started eating the right things. It was amazing! -- and now he feels so good -- better than he did when he was a kid -- so he continues to eat well.

The foods in the grocery store for diabetics now are delicious. Smart choice and weight watcher frozen dinners are not only good, but will actually fill him up. In our case, it was cheaper to buy the prepared dinners than to cook it ourselves - so check into them. He chews Wrigleys EXTRA sugarless gum (bubble gum flavor in the pink pack)WITH his coffee instead of sugar -- and he was a "little bit of coffee with his sugar" drinker. He also prefers to eat sandwiches to a sit down formal dinner - still gets his meat, cheese, bread, lettuce -- just all on a sandwich.

Make it an adventure -- we had so much fun at the grocery store reading labels and trying new things -- and dont just look at the sugar content -- carb's turn into sugar so beware of them too. Instead of having a "night out" -- spend a few hours at the grocery store -- it really can be alot of fun if you want it to be ;-)

It may sound like a drag to be diagnosed with diabetes -- but actually it could have saved his life!! And actually -- it won't hurt YOU to start eating well yourself ;-)