YA know what I heard today? I am also not so sure about the death penalty by other than the way they used to do it.
They used to take murderers to the families and let them do what need be. Eye for an eye? I can accept this more than the way they do it these days.
BUT! my point is that I thought we went in there for the WMD's as we were told, then for the oil? Today I heard for the first time that Bush Jr. had a vendetta (sp?) as in 1985, Sadam tried to assasinate Bush Senior went he went over there and this was his motive I guess? He was going after Sadam for what he did to his dad and now I am Pissed! off as this is what this is all about?
I wonder if anyone caught this today before this execution.
Well, maybe now that he is gone, maybe we can bring our kids home? Oh what a mess this is huh?
