Well ladies, I was going to wait till next week when I had a little more info but here's what I know today.
1. Unless God miraculously intervenes the house will be sold out from under me on April 4. He refused to help make a single payment and I ran out of extra funds to stay afloat. I have a couple trying to purchase for less than what I owe, but we still don't know if the approval will come in before the sale date.
2. I still have not had a day in court to force him to help pay any of our bills (1.5 yrs and waiting) New court date is April 7.
3. This means I have to move all of his stuff and mine since I don't know what a judge will decide in court. If the judge gives it to me then I could sell it all to make some $$. So today I rented a storage unit for one month I will move all his things there and move mine to a rent house.
4. I move this weekend (4 days before foreclosure sale) to a rent house one town over. It was God at work to get this place! It is a rent house owned by someone in my church, they got notice of the tenant moving out less than 24 hours before I called to ask if she had anything for rent. Since she knows me she is not asking for any deposit, and I can keep my best friend and faithful male companion---my dog!
5. Soon-to-be-ex will be sentenced in Federal Court April 21. I have been told the talk around the court house is that he will get 5-6 years.

If everyone could continue to pray I would appreciate it. He continues to fight that he shouldn't be responsible for any of our bills. I know he has bought a brand new truck and racked up hugs amounts of credit card debt that he has no way of paying back once he is in prison--why he would spend knowing he has no way to pay is beyond me. Attorney seems to think he may be planning to have his debts roll onto me when he goes to jail. If he can actually do that--(we were married at the time debt was incurred and I know he used my social to get one of the credit cards--then I will be forced to file bankruptcy too.

Despite everything and how bad circumstances are, this was the best thing I have done for myself. I am weary of the battle but know that ultimately the battle is won through the Lord. I continue to rest in Him and trust Him for my needs.

I don't want to discourage those at the beginning of the process--it has been worth every moment of pain and stress because I am free from a debilitating and destructive relationship. I was lonely every day I was married--but I haven't spent one single day or night being lonely since. I am alone but not lonely--it is a curious thing but God has definitely stepped in to comfort me. He can for you too.