Poem On A Sunday

Posted by: Xanthippe

Poem On A Sunday - 06/15/08 03:55 PM

Literature is one of my joys, and I am particularly drawn to poetry, reading at least a few lines each day if possible. A well-wrought poem is always a pleasure; for the proficient, adept poet, I have unabashed admiration and respect.

Wallace Stevens is one my favorite poets ...

The House Was Quiet And The World Was Calm
- Wallace Stevens

The house was quiet and the world was calm.
The reader became the book; and summer night

Was like the conscious being of the book.
The house was quiet and the world was calm.

The words were spoken as if there was no book,
Except that the reader leaned above the page,

Wanted to lean, wanted much to be
The scholar to whom his book is true, to whom

The summer night is like a perfection of thought.
The house was quiet because it had to be.

The quiet was part of the meaning, part of the mind:
The access of perfection to the page.

And the world was calm. The truth in a calm world,
In which there is no other meaning, itself

Is calm, itself is summer and night, itself
Is the reader leaning late and reading there.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/16/08 01:35 AM

thanks Xanthippe! Very soothing and well-written selection.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/16/08 01:37 AM

Xan, W Stevens' poem describes perfectly well how it is when I read Dickens and Dylan Thomas, two of so many I admire.
Posted by: diamond50

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/16/08 03:59 AM

Xan, thank you for the poem.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/16/08 04:21 AM

I'm a poem nut too. Have you read Mountain Ashe's poems? They are quite beautiful.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/16/08 04:24 AM

Hello and what a powful name Xanithippe

I like soothing poems and agree with Lola Dylan Thomas (such rythmn)
I will save Sunday evening as a bookmark..I feel then is a quiet time and special for us here.
Thank you.
Mountain ash
Posted by: gims

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/16/08 01:59 PM


And the world was calm. The truth in a calm world,
In which there is no other meaning, itself

Is calm...Is the reader leaning late and reading there.

EHMMM, so essential... take me away, my book, calm my night, calm my world.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/16/08 02:27 PM

MA, we attended a reading of Dylan Thomas in Laurghne year before last. To hear "Under Milk Wood" read by a Welshman was most captivating.
Posted by: Xanthippe

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/17/08 08:25 PM

Yes, "soothing" is indeed an apt descriptor of this poem, meredithbead. I have unbridled admiration for the way you poets use such memorable language to evoke mood, sensation, an experience long past.
Posted by: Xanthippe

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/17/08 08:33 PM


... Dickens and Dylan Thomas, two of so many I admire.

Another Dylan Thomas admirer here, Lola; the musicality of his language is like singing in my mind. As to Mr. Dickens, I find I must be in a certain mood to fully appreciate his art. Perhaps I should take some time and get to know him better.

Posted by: Xanthippe

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/17/08 08:34 PM


Xan, thank you for the poem.

My pleasure, Cindy! Do you have any favorite poets??

Posted by: Xanthippe

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/17/08 08:49 PM


Have you read Mountain Ashe's poems? They are quite beautiful.

Coincidentally, I just read one on another thread. It was lovely, a seeming response to the miracle of simply existing. I look forward to reading more.

Posted by: Xanthippe

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/17/08 09:04 PM



And the world was calm. The truth in a calm world,
In which there is no other meaning, itself

Is calm...Is the reader leaning late and reading there.

EHMMM, so essential... take me away, my book, calm my night, calm my world.

Indeed, gims. I marvel at these words, their very power to call up such tranquility, such calm.

Posted by: Xanthippe

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/17/08 09:14 PM


To hear "Under Milk Wood" read by a Welshman was most captivating.

Lola, have you heard Dylan Thomas reading "A Child's Christmas in Wales"? Truly captivating, despite the crackly hissing of the old recording. Listening to this magic has become part of the Christmas holiday ritual in my family (along with O. Henry's "The Gift of the Magi," read aloud).

Posted by: Lola

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/18/08 01:39 AM

Gosh, my daughter's family shares a Christmas ritual with you and your family, Xan! How fab is that? They live in Wales as my SIL is a steadfast Welshman and CCW is read to my grandchildren from English to Welsh. We have a small collection of DT's prose and poems on CDs. The Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea sells them and some works also get read at the Eistedfodd. Have you read his Collected Letters?

I read Dickens a lot when I was in school but appreciate him much, much more now that I live in the UK. I am going through most of his books all over again. Simply amazing to recognise nooks and crannies. To a certain degree, societal attitudes which were prevalent in his days are also still present.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/18/08 03:31 AM

Lola and others
just heard on the radio there is a film relased today about Dylan Thomas.His loves and life.
Meet you at Leicester Square Lola (I wish)
Mountain ash
Posted by: Lola

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/18/08 03:41 AM

Yep, MA. They had it on BBC yesterday and mentioned that it was written by Keira Knightley's mother. I wish someone had done a film about DT when Richard Burton was alive. They were very close friends and Burton knew Thomas' angst and had an insight into DT's character which I suppose came from a shared Welsh background. Did you know that Burton was buried with one of DT's books? So they say. I await release of the film on DVD. It's the only way I get to see films nowadays. You should also get your poems published, MA. Have you thought to read them at the Edinburgh festival's poets corner?
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/18/08 07:35 AM

I have been working on a YEAR.About each month with a slant..
That will be 12..with others about each season.
The Book Festival..I am an attender.Indeed ticket arrived today.

I have more than one for April..yet to decide.I see the months as people..depending on what the weather is doing.
Here's one that is already aired.

April ©

Fife, Scotland

The lamb walks gently towards April
Our reward for enduring earlier blizzards
Gently closing March’s gate
Spring showers bringing greeness

Buds unfurling like babies hands
Unblemished and perfect
A cradle for blossom
Cream pink and bridal white

Before the grass grows too long
Just for a day or two
The garden is like a postcard
Or the scenery in a musical show

Grasp this day hold the dear memory
For it's scenes like this that endure
When winter chills the heart
And the land seems to lie sleeping

For you Lola
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/18/08 09:57 AM

Mountain Ash, I would love a book of your poems...what a cherished book that would be. Am I to understand that you're putting one together?
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/18/08 10:32 AM

Yes I have the task of choosing Eagle All are written.Then last night I had a thought and I started another slant..
The journey is what its about.
Mountain ash
Posted by: Lola

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/18/08 01:51 PM

Thank you ever so much for the poem, MA. Tickets to the Book Festival!!! Lucky you.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/18/08 03:03 PM

There is a Book festival programe.Superb place to take children.There is a tent..then within other tents.Book shops with comfy sofas and coffee shops.
Writers workshops.all in Charlotte Square just off George Street.
There is a chance to meet the authors..Tony Benn is returning..as his his daughter .Each does a reading.Garrison Keillor Ian Rankine.. (local lad )Then a sihning. My sweetheart Jackie Kay who I have such regard for is a frequent reader. She is worth a mention.Wendy Cope..Both these woemn also give workshops to the O.U. Lola so I am familar with meeting them.
I can travel from the nearby station to Edinburgh for 50p and just to mingle and see some authors is an injection of energy for me.
I catch favourite poets there and at Aberdeen where there is a smaller similar festival in May.
So who knows what I shall hear and experience. Also the fun of the street musicians from the Festival ..
Mountain ash
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/18/08 03:35 PM

Oh that sounds just like my kind of day! Just beautiful. Hope you get a chance to share your own poems Mountain Ash. They deserve recognition.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/18/08 04:21 PM

MA, I'm another fan and look forward to purchasing your book one day! Have fun poking around at the festival.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/18/08 04:47 PM

Tony Benn, as in the former Viscount? Gosh! I can only swoon.
Posted by: Xanthippe

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/19/08 11:21 PM

Lola, wow, I am grooving on the idea of the shared Christmas ritual between your daughter's family and mine! Aren't moments of such synchronicity in life amazing??!? And to hear DT read in Welsh must be music indeed! His Collected Letters, yes, I read them years (and years) ago; I'm inspired now to pick them up again.

I believe Dickens is required reading for most school students, many of whom are hard pressed to appreciate him. I certainly preferred other authors in those days, but one's tastes change, and I really ought to give him another chance. You've led by example.
Posted by: Xanthippe

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/19/08 11:48 PM

Before I polish off the last piece of pissaladiere (a take-home from today's potluck luncheon with the LLG), I must take a moment and thank you all for this talk of poetry, literature, shared ritual and the marvelous Edinburgh Festival. Mountain Ash, I feel privileged to have read the vivid beauty of "April," and I, too, will watch for your book.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Poem On A Sunday - 06/20/08 03:15 AM

Tony Benn
The best PM Britain never had.
Met him several times....shaken his hand (firm handshake) listend to every word..saved the memory share it now.
My daughter bought him a huge bunch of red roses..gave him them when we all met..he then handed them to the lovely young interperator for the deaf..an Aha moment.
My late Father in law..was a politican of note..same mould..
alas the mould seem to be broken now.
Mountain ash