My son the architect

Posted by: NHJackie

My son the architect - 10/30/05 10:39 PM

I think maybe the note I posted about my son should have gone here instead of under the children topic. I'm new around here and still figuring things out.

Be patient with me.
Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: My son the architect - 10/31/05 04:07 AM

Sounds as if you were blessed with such joyous news about your either place is the perfect place to post.
Congratulations, to your son and you.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: My son the architect - 11/15/05 06:45 PM

Congrats, Jackie:
When a son makes us proud... we jump for joy [Big Grin] , at least in my mind!

On sunday evening as I approached the cashier at the supermarket she greeted me and smilingly asked:
-You're David's mom, right?
-Yes, I am.
-Wow! Your son is so well educated. He is great.
( [Big Grin] Can you see my smile?)
And she continued:
_Out of all my brother's friends my mom rather hang out with him anytime. In fact, she loves him so much that she says I'll marry him!

I had no choice but to thank her for such a kind comment and of course, I made sure my husband knew about the compliment.

When I got home I gave David an extra hug and thanked him for being who he is. I do have to say he is trying hard to stay out of trouble and be responsible and make us proud. I thanked God as well, for it is not every day that you hear great news like that one!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: My son the architect - 11/16/05 08:33 AM

Songbird, your post is music to my ears. I'm tickled for you. Keep loving that boy. And yes...I can see your smile. It matches the one I have for you! See how sweet the words of another can be...
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: My son the architect - 11/16/05 08:53 AM

Songbird, that's such a lovely thing for someone to say about your son! He sounds like a real gem...kudos to his Mom and Dad too!
Posted by: Sandi

Re: My son the architect - 03/14/06 06:12 AM

Songbird: I'm smiling too!!! What a Happy Moment that must have been!!! Makes a mom proud, now doesn't it?
hen I use my credit card, and someone says "Are you Tommy's mom?" I have to say...."and if I were"???"
My Tommy's a doll, but sometimes I may not want to hear what they may tell me!!!. (He received
"most unique" in high school, so that may give you a clue)