I'm going to be a Grandma

Posted by: Sandpiper

I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/17/05 11:00 AM

Hi, I hope this is the place to put this information. I found out a week ago that I was going to be a first time grandma in February or March. Yippee!

My son and his wife will be married for nine years in August. We had about given up hope that they'd try for a baby. What a happy time. I asked them why now and he told me he guessed he had wanted to spend time partying and just being a couple. I understand that.

The best part is they are ready for this baby. I had two children and planned both of them so am glad they planned this baby. It helps them realize the time is good.

So, thought I would share this with you all.
Thanks for listening to me go on.

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/17/05 05:23 PM

WONDERFUL NEWS! Take it from me, there ain't nutin like it. I melt everytime Lea does a patty-cake, or leans her little chubby cheek over to mine, to give me sugar. Unconditional love, that's what grandchildren are...sigh. CONGRATS!

Posted by: Pam Kimmell

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/17/05 06:25 PM

Yippee! Great news Sandpiper....I'm sure this is a happy time for ALL of you with only MORE happy times to come. Congratulations to you AND your family!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/18/05 07:16 AM

Congratulations Sandpiper! What glorious news! Have you started browsing the baby clothes yet?!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/17/05 11:16 PM

sandpiper, I'm tickeled at your news. And how smart of them to wait until they were ready. My sister is also going to be a grandmother for the first time. I shared in her excitement Friday night when my daughter and I started shopping with her for the shower we're throwing. Gald to hear exciting times are ahead for you and your fmaily. This news makes me smile ear to ear.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/18/05 02:08 AM

Yes, blessings and Joys is the perfect place to post this news, Sandpiper. Congratulations from me too.

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/18/05 02:50 AM

All of Gods blessings to you dear Sandpiper and your son and daughter-in-law. What a wonderful surprise. Being a Grandmother is always so magical but especially the first time.... [Big Grin]
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/18/05 08:15 AM

Hey, thanks everyone for the warm thoughts. I am as pleased as can be. I'll share this with you all. I asked my older sister, along with my twin sister and myself to pray they would get ready to be parents. Sometimes they just don't realize what it is in their lives they need and are missing.

Yep, we have started browsing the baby items. My daughter and I went last week to Macy's and saw the baby items. Sooo cute! Have looked at shoes.com at baby shoes. Looked at Target for baby clothes and furniture. So, I guess I am more than ready to be a grandma.

I have an Aunt that just became a grandma for the first time about 3 years ago and she is now 80 years old. The baby is such a blessing to her. But I kept telling my son, please don't make me wait till I'm in my 70's!

So glad to hear it is exactly what everyone has said. You all are, I am sure, fantastic grandma's. Thanks again for the lovely thoughts and wishes.

Posted by: smilinize

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/18/05 09:23 AM

Congrats Sandpiper,
You're going to love this. If I had know it was this much fun, I would have STARTED with the grandkids. Being a grandma is great. I love it. Love my grandkids and they love me. And that's what it's all about!!
Posted by: writegirl1949

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/19/05 01:06 PM

Sandpiper ... one of the biggest blessings I had as a Nonnie (grandma to most), was doing the things I never had time to do with my daughter. Now, I can have fun with my granddaughter, Alix, who is almost 10, and my grandson, Cody, who is 8 1/2. We have special things we do together and even though I'm here in Germany, when I go back and visit, we make sure to do those things. It helps keep us connected.

I feel like I am that special adult they can trust implicitly.


Blessing, Francine
Posted by: chickadee

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/19/05 04:27 PM

Even long distance grandma's are special. I am one also. My baby boy will be here soon (August). Boomer's make the nicest grand parents.
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/20/05 01:11 AM

Sandpiper, what wonderful news. I've yet to make that distinction but am looking forward to it.

Chick, you're right. Boomers do make the best grandparents.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/20/05 01:35 AM

Sandpiper, grandma ...that is surely a blessing. What a neat surprise for you! It's also a blessing they are both prepared for this child.

Do you crochet or knit? If so, it's a good time to start a baby blanket or booties, or whatever your heart desires.

If not, don't worry! Enjoy the moment and the days ahead. I'm not a grandma yet. Still, wish you & yours the best!
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/20/05 01:15 PM

Thanks to all, I am very excited about the prospect of being a Grandma. I'm going sometime this week with my daughter-in-law to look at baby clothes and furniture. I guess it's a tad early but I like to shop so can get a feel for what's out there.

She has her first ultrasound Aug. 11th to find a due date and if there is only one baby. She is a part of a pair. He brother died during pregnancy. So, they are not sure if they are hoping for twins or not. I'll just be happy with a healthy baby.

They seem quite different. It is amazing how they sound and act now that they know they're goig to be parents. I absolutely love it.

Thanks for all your good wishes. I am glad all who are Grandma's are having the time of your lives with yours. I also think it is the best thing.

My parents had 13 grandchildren and my mother doted on each one of them.

Thanks again,
Posted by: chickadee

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/29/05 01:59 AM

Well sandpiper, do you have bags and boxes all over the place yet? You think twins are possible? Double the pleasure for grandma!
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/29/05 09:24 AM

Hey Chick,

I must admit that I have been out looking at the stores at all the beautiful tiny baby clothes, furniture, strollers, and binkies. What a surprise for me.

The clothes are so cute and huggable. The furniture has gone so high for cost that I am sure my hubby and I will have to get the bed for the kids.

The binkies---who knew there were sizes now! My children only took a binkie for about 2 months. Guess they didn't like them when they realized nothing came out. But all the sizes-amazing.

My daughter-in-law is a twin. She's part of a pair, but her brother was miscarried in the womb early on in her mothers pregnancy. So glad it didn't affect my d-i-l. I think twins are passed down through the mothers genetics so the fact that I am a twin I guess does not matter. Twins would be nice for me!!! But I guess we will just hope for a healthy little one.

They find out the due date and if it's only one or two on the 11th of August. Can't wait. Then I'll start buying things.

Oh, oh, yes, there is this video monitor that goes in the babies room so the parents can see the little one. Not just hear but both. I am definitely getting that one. Have already told my son that is mine to get.

Thanks for the well wishes.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 07/29/05 06:36 PM

I can't wait to hear if they're having twins.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 08/02/05 03:58 PM

A video monitor - how times have changed...for the better. Let us know all the news on August 11th. We'll be waiting.
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 08/03/05 01:14 AM

Thanks everyone. I am anxiously waiting till the 11th of this month. We had lunch with the proud expecting parents Sunday. Had a great time. I can tell the prospect of being a parent has already mellowed my son and I am sure my d-i-l is full of emotions also. Poor dear is beginning to get some morning sickness at other times of the day now. I guess they have her on some sort of pill to help.

Anyway, it was an interesting meal because we talked about their preferences in raising children, schooling, how to correct them. I was pleased with all I heard. I am sure it will be an interesting, fulfilling ride for all of us.

Posted by: Terri

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 08/03/05 06:44 AM

Sandpiper....mega congratulations and best wishes to you and your whole family. What a special time for you! I have 7 grandchildren (long distance also...3 in Boston, 4 in Jersey) but with videos, computers, digital cameras and frequent trips, I've enjoyed all the special moments.
My girlfriend from highschool finally became a grandmother last Sept. and I've been able to share that joy with her. A whole new world is opening for you........enjoy each and every special moment!
My 11 year old first granddaughter, after 4 grandsons, is very special to us. Kaela was also a twin...my daughter suffered a miscarriage at 3 months. The dr. in the ER wanted to do a D&C (with no ultrasound done) My daughter refused, called me that night and said she still "felt" pregnant, saw her OB that week, had the ultrasound and she was indeed still pregnant...had lost one twin, but the other was fine. That was Kaela...my very first granddaughter, born the day before my birthday. Had my daughter not listened to her female intuition.....we would never even have KNOWN there was another baby. So your story about your daughter-in-law resonated with me.
Blessings to all of you and I look forward to all the upcoming details.
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 08/03/05 09:49 AM

Thanks Terri, We are terribly happy about this baby coming. Had given up hope that they would ever try as they will be married 9 years in August.

I feel bad for you and your daughter. What a terrible thing to have happen. But, oh my, a lovely little girl anyhow. Lucky you and her. I am sure she is the apple of your eye, as well as the others.

We plan on having a ball with this little one.
Thanks again Terri.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 08/04/05 02:41 AM

Terri, what an amazing story. Gracious. I've never heard of that. What a blessing.
Posted by: Terri

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 08/04/05 03:37 AM

Dotsie....I'm an RN, and I'd never heard of this either, but my GYN told me he had a case once where it was triplets.....two did not survive beyond a few months, but one did. Really amazing.

Sandpiper...you are SO right. Kaela will always be the apple of my eye. I now have a second granddaughter, Emma, who turned 2 in May....I love her to pieces....but yeah, Kaela will always be extra special to me.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 08/12/05 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Sandpiper:

They find out the due date and if it's only one or two on the 11th of August.

Do we have an update sandpiper? Is it one or two? and when?
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 08/13/05 12:45 AM

Hi everyone,

Well here's the update. Drum roll please! Only one baby and it's doing just fine. They did the ultrasound yesterday and the wee one was moving when it was being done. My son and DIL saw it move. They said they saw the tiny buds (future arms and legs) moving.

The expected arrival date is March 7, 2006!

They were done with the ultrasound and when they were told there was just one they breathed a sigh of relief. The tech asked why they were relieved. They told her about the possibility of twins. She said, ok, lets look some more. But, no twins. That's okay. They were elated at the prospect of just one.

So, now I can begin in earnest to shop, shop, shop for the little one.
We are really happy for them and us!
Posted by: chickadee

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 08/15/05 05:22 PM

What an exciting post! I can feel the joy through your written words, sandpiper. Tiny buds...how beautiful that sounds.

BTW all...I always write a "letter" to the unborn child, keep it in my journal and give them a copy in later years. It won't get lost this way and you'll always have the original.

My little boy will be here soon...very soon. I will keep you posted.
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 08/17/05 02:38 AM


Thanks! We are very delighted at the prospect. I got to see the picture. Lovely!

The letter sounds like a great thing to do. Didn't think about it.

Let us know when the little tyke will be here. Blessings for you girl!

Posted by: chickadee

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 08/20/05 04:48 PM

I have been shopping and buying, and buying...and buying blue this and thats for months. It's time I boxed it all up and sent it on to Canada. I hope to visit in the fall to get to hold my grandson close. I like new car smell and new clothes smell but new baby smell beats em all. [Wink]

Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 08/21/05 03:16 AM


So true of the new baby smell, it really does beat all other smells. So sweet and innocent. They are life's most precious gifts!

Glad you have been having a ball shopping and buying and buying. It is the best time. Everything is so different and pretty. I didn't realize that pacifiers now have sizes. What's that one? Didn't have sizes when my kids were small.

So, hopefully the little one won't be very old when you get to see him. It must be hard to wait and not be there for the birth. Love ya girl. Best to your and the new one.

Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 10/28/05 09:38 AM

Hi all!

Well, we had dinner with my son and daughter-in-law and they showed us pictures of the baby. She was able to use the 4D technology.

IT'S A BOY !!!!

The technology is fantastic. They gave us a CD that has pictures of the baby on it. Fabulous. We got to see the different poses they took to check everything out. You can actually see his little body growing. Got a couple good shots of his face.

They are copying a DVD movie of the ultrasound for us also. Am I greedy? OH YES!

Well, it's almost 1:00 a.m. and I need to get some rest. Just wanted to give you all the update on the little one.

Love you all,
Posted by: DallasGal

Re: I'm going to be a Grandma - 10/30/05 06:51 PM

So happy for you! Congratulations!