Taking Stock of Valuables

Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Taking Stock of Valuables - 05/03/05 09:14 PM

Taking Stock of Valuables

Waylon Prendergast, 37, of Tampa, Florida, committed a spur-of-the-moment robbery while on his way home from a late-night drinking session. A very inebriated Mr. Prendergast forced his way into the house through an open upstairs window, filling a suitcase with cash and valuables before setting the living room on fire to cover his tracks. He then escaped through the back door and made his way home, chuckling all the way. Only as he turned the corner into his own street, however, and discovered three fire engines outside his house, did he realize that in his drunkenness he had, in fact, burgled and ignited his own property. His comment: "I had no idea I had so
many valuable possessions."

While we may not do anything quite that stupid (at least nothing that makes the national newspapers), there are times when Christians need to stop and
reflect, coming to same conclusion Mr. Prendergast did: "I had no idea I had so many valuable possessions."

From family and friends to material comforts (like electricity and running water), from our basic needs (like food) to luxuries other generations never dreamed of, from the freedoms we enjoy to the jobs we hold, there is much that we have been blessed with that we take for granted.

Truly, we have no idea we have so many valuable possessions.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Taking Stock of Valuables - 05/05/05 06:06 AM

Vicki this should be in the joke section because it is hilarious. Can you just imagine? Theres a show on TV called the stupidest criminals and this guy certainly qualifies.... [Smile] [Big Grin]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Taking Stock of Valuables - 05/06/05 07:14 AM

Vicki...amen. Every day is a gift in itself. It begins with breathing...