When I woke up today, I was sad. You see, today would have been Daddy's 80th birthday. As you know, he died May 23 this year. I have large gapping holes in my heart that he left behind and I knew today was going to be one of those "first" we've all discussed here time and again.

May I share something personal with you?

When Daddy was dying, I leaned over to whisper "I love you's" in his ear. I also said, "Daddy, I love you so much and will be so lonely without you. Would you please just let me know you are okay? Some way...some how? Ask God to let you tell me, I know he will." Those were my parting words.

Since that day, whenever I am outside, I always look up and talk to Daddy. I always look at the clouds and "pretend?" that he is there. I always tell him about my day, what's new in my life, and that I love him. I do this every single day. I've waited and waited for a sign to let me know he was okay. Nothing came. Till today that is.

I logged on as usual but was feeling the weight of my saddness. I had already told myself it would be a short stay online. I needed to work through the pain that was already settling in my heart.

Out of no where, I got an email from a girlfriend who just happens to be a poet, Ann Clark,

We are friends of course, but rarely write one another unless we have some writing news to share. She sent the following, made up this morning:

Daddies in the Clouds

There are Daddies
That we grieve for now-
Daddies that we knew.

Daddies that have
Come and gone-
Daddies that were few.

There are Daddies
That we grieve for now-
Daddies that were proud.

Still -Daddies to watch
Over us-

Albeit- from the Clouds.

Through my tears I thanked her profusely and let her know that God had used her to send me a message. One of love from God, AND from Daddy. What kind of day will I have now? One full of love, that's what. This is one birthday of his I shall never forget. Once again God has proven to me that HE loves me, and HE does work in mysterious ways.

Much love,