A Temporary Bye

Posted by: Anno

A Temporary Bye - 07/22/09 07:45 AM

I am going to be very busy for a while and won't have time to hang around here.

Dennis is having a feeding tube and a SP catheter placed this week. Next week it's packing up my mom and moving her to an assisted living place where D and I live. Then cleaning out the house and getting it on the market.

In the meantime, still all of the old insurance issues, but now I have had to add in the time dealing with paper work for my mom.

I am not complaining. Really. I just wanted to let you know why I won't be around for a bit. Keep reading my blog, tho. I am keeping up with my promise to write at least 3 times a week.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: A Temporary Bye - 07/22/09 08:03 AM

Ann, thanks for giving us a heads-up. You've become the number one caregiver. Make sure you remeber to make time for yourself. I'm sure it will get a bit tougher when school begins. I offer up prayers for you and Dennis often. Will remember to add Mom to the picture.

Ross manages all his Dad's paperwork. One of the chores on our list for today is to get it all ogranized and in one metal box. Right now, there are bits and pieces in several places around the house. Just a reminder that it's much easier if you're organized from the beginning.

I'm going to your blog now.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: A Temporary Bye - 07/22/09 08:09 AM

Read the last several posts and want you to know I'll be thinking of both of you today through Friday. I hope you have a good book and some magazines to keep you occupied while waiting. Let Dennis know his boomer girlfriends are carrying him in prayer. Bless you Ann for all you do for your loved ones. And I think you ARE a rock, but am glad to know you're human too!
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: A Temporary Bye - 07/22/09 08:58 AM

Anno you are a regular in my thoughts. If at all possible, I am sending you positive vibes, strength, stamina, a light heart, and a smile on your lips!
I also hope you have family to help you with all of this.
Posted by: Anno

Re: A Temporary Bye - 07/22/09 10:34 PM

Thanks gals. The first surgery went well, and I got a night at home, alone! A treat! Tomorrow, lessons on how to use the feeding tube, then an evening home before the next surgery.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: A Temporary Bye - 07/23/09 04:01 AM

Thinking of you all Ann
Posted by: Anno

Re: A Temporary Bye - 07/23/09 08:06 AM

The first surgery went well. He will be at the hospital until late today to have it monitored. Tomorrow he will go back for the second surgery, but that one is less worrisome.

My sister is coming, from London, in 2 weeks, to help with my mom. I am looking forward to the company and the help.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: A Temporary Bye - 07/23/09 03:04 PM

So happy to hear your sis is coming to town. That should be a nice treat and relief for you.
Posted by: jabber

Re: A Temporary Bye - 07/24/09 08:41 PM

You are in my prayers. Take care dear lady.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: A Temporary Bye - 07/25/09 05:21 AM

(((Anno))), just wanna send you a hug.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: A Temporary Bye - 07/25/09 07:04 AM

Me too! And one for Dennis because I'm sure this is no picnic for him wither.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: A Temporary Bye - 07/25/09 07:05 AM

She's been updating her blog if you want to see how things are going.