
Posted by: Dotsie

Wheelchairs? - 07/05/08 03:50 PM

It's time. I think we're heading out to get Dad a wheelcahir this week. He is really counting his steps these days and missing out on way too much. I'm getting psyched to get the dang wheelchair and begin getting him around again. I just hope he'll let us stroll him around.

Anyone know of a good light wheelchair? Before heading to the local pharmacy which sells them, I think I'll check Craigslist. Any other ideas?
Posted by: CrosstitchQueen

Re: Wheelchairs? - 07/05/08 07:28 PM

My husband gets his wheelchairs (and all other medical supplies) from the VA because he was injured while in the Navy, but I have a few suggestions.......

Quickie is a good brand of wheelchairs, although there are many others that are also good. One thing you want to check is how it folds up, in case you need to put it into a car (another reason to make sure it's light and easy to handle, in case it's you that is lifting it into a trunk of a car or onto a car carrier). Different chairs fold differently. Check to make sure your dad can handle the brakes......there are different kinds. Something else to consider is a cushion for him to sit on. My husband uses Roho cushions...........they're not cheap (neither are wheelchairs!) but they're filled with air and help prevent pressure sores.

You might want to check around to see if there is a local Paralyzed Veterans of America chapter near you. I'm not sure where you are in Maryland, but I know there's a chapter there (called the Delaware/Maryland Chapter of PVA). Our local Florida chapter keeps a warehouse of stuff like wheelchairs and walkers that people have donated, and we loan them out as needed, for free, for however long someone needs them. Not sure if the Delaware/Maryland chapter does the same, but it might be worth looking in to. Here's a link to the chapter of PVA closest to you.....you might want to give them a call, they might be able to help you locate a wheelchair or give advice on some name brands to look for:


Check out medical supply stores too, besides local pharmacies. You might be able to get a better chair at a med supply place. I know I'm used to personalized chairs (the VA measures the person and fits the chair to them) which you won't find at a pharmacy, but what I've seen at pharmacies are pretty standardized and kind of clunky........more options at a medical supply place I would think.

Craigs list is a good idea.........also I know I see people selling used wheelchairs in the classified ads in our local newspaper all the time, might be worth taking a look there.

Hopefully your dad won't fight you too much on this.......most people see a wheelchair as a sign of giving up on their independence.........it doesn't have to be that way.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Wheelchairs? - 07/06/08 04:53 AM

Very important Dotsie is that a footrest is fitted.I so often see people using a wheelchair in our malls(there is a service available) and no footrest is evident.
In school the children were measured from their knee to base of heel.We also had each wheelchair user their own chair which ws similarly measured.Then made so that it was of the correct height.The contract for the chairs was with the company who also emplyed mostly disabled staff.
And a wool fleece to sit on.I know it may be warm but sore develope easily.There may be a suitable fleece in your area.ask at hospitals.
Mountaina ash
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Wheelchairs? - 07/06/08 09:20 AM

Crossstitch and MA, you both mentioned things I never would have thought of. Thanks so much for your input. It means so much.

Crossstitch, I went to a medical supply store and was ready to go back this week and purchase, but I think I'll check one more store now that you've shared. It's even more of a medical supply store than the other, if that makes sense. I'm looking for lightweight that can be thrown in and out of cars. He will not be suing it at home becasue he really doesn't need to. However, he will definitely be able to get around more outside with us pushing him around. We'll be abele to take him places without him having to sit on a bench and wait for us. What fun is that?
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Wheelchairs? - 07/06/08 11:48 AM

I had good luck with 1-800-wheelchairs when I bought a chair for my Mom. The chair was well made, inexpensive, and lightweight. And there is a wide range of designs for the seat and back - I got Mom a nice plaid. This way, the chair is distinctive and won't get mixed up looking like everyone else's. They also sell accessories for wheelchairs like rugs and chair pads and those basket thingies that hang on the back. I highly recommend them!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Wheelchairs? - 07/06/08 01:03 PM

yonuh, do they have a Web site?
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Wheelchairs? - 07/06/08 02:42 PM

here the Red Cross lend wheelchairs..always a way to try the concept.
Mountain ash
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Wheelchairs? - 07/06/08 03:07 PM

Fleece is fine but as you say, its also very hot to sit on all day. Try one of those hemmoroid donuts made of plastic. They are a bit bouncy so the recipients bottom barely touch trhe seat and plenty of air gets through. They take the strain off the spine as well. Oh oh, he'll need a lapghan to keep his legs warm in the cooler weather as well. Perfect size for wheelchairs. Hummm, I better get cracking!
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Wheelchairs? - 07/06/08 07:01 PM

Yes, Dotsie, here's a link: http://www.1800wheelchair.com/
Posted by: Anno

Re: Wheelchairs? - 07/07/08 09:57 AM

Dotsie, you might want to see if a physical therapist will write a prescription for the chair. Originally the insurance company did not want to pay for a light wieght chair, but when I called and let them know that I would need to lift it in and out of the car and how much I weighed, they covered the extra expense.

Do get it fitted before you buy. And D's chair has a great gel filled seat that is very comfortable. He highly recommends it.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Wheelchairs? - 07/07/08 02:49 PM

Anno, the doctor's office is to fax a prescription to the mediacl supply place so it can be paid for by insurance. But here's what confused me. They will only pay for one wheelchair and chances are, he will need a more sophisticated one in the future that could be more costly. The family is deciding that we should just go ahead and get this one through the insurance and deal with the second one when the time comes. What did you use while in Paris? DId you take one or rent?

yonuh, thanks for the link. I'm heading there now.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Wheelchairs? - 07/07/08 03:51 PM

We ended up bringing his own. Rentals were way out of line.

Yes, your dad may most likely need a different one someday. Unfortunately, they have got you in a catch-22. D's social worker said that insurance companies will most likely cover a second chair if it for a "new" symptom, so this may be true for your dad, too.

We are going to purchase a second chair, just a transport chair, because they are very light and good for short trips to the store, etc. They are not very expensive, but the person using the wheel chair cannot use them alone. They probably are not very comfortable, either.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Wheelchairs? - 07/12/08 08:23 AM

Still haven't made a decision. Will keep you posted.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Wheelchairs? - 07/12/08 04:28 PM

Those HOVER ROUNDS are fantastic Dotsie and Medicare will usually pick up the entire cost. Plus if you order one and then Medicare says no, the compaony will give it to him anyway for a very low fee. They also come out and teach you the operation of the chair and make sure its fitted to his body perfectly...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Wheelchairs? - 07/16/08 03:32 PM

Dotsie call this place for information, it may just end up being free. THE SCOOTER STORE, 1-800-860-5793