I'm so excited! One of my sisters called yesterday and here's the deal. All five of us girls are taking Mother to Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee for her birthday. Now where that may sound like a title to a good Southern Novel, " Taking Mother to Graceland ," to us it means "family time" and good times; tons of laughter, good eating, and sweet memories.

Mother thinks we're all staying at the Heartbreak Hotel (across from Graceland) but NOT. We're staying at the Peabody Hotel. http://www.peabodymemphis.com/home.cfm We have a large suite reserved, and then at night we'll walk across the street to the Rendezvous http://www.hogsfly.com/ and eat ribs till they flow out our ears. If you haven't eaten at this world reknown landmark, you haven't had ribs. OMGosh! It is out of this world.

Anyway, on the way back, we'll probably stop at this shrimp place, can't think of the name, but they have T-shirts that say something like, "I got the crabs at Jim's," or something like that. AnyHOO...can you imagine all the walks down memory lane that will be crammed into this 48 hours? We will have a blast. My sisters CAN BE fun. As long as they remember it all about ME, ME, ME.

I'll take pictures and share them when I return!