
Posted by: Sadie

Shingles - 10/11/06 11:40 AM

This is where I was suppose to put my shingles . . Now that I posted everywhere . You can tell I have not been able to get on I am talking my head off . Missed you all .
Posted by: Pam Kimmell

Re: Shingles - 10/11/06 04:14 PM

Sorry to hear about your shingles Renee. I have no experience with that but my Dad did and I know it's extremely uncomfortable and painful. There are treatments of course so I hope you get some help!
Posted by: Sadie

Re: Shingles - 10/11/06 07:44 PM

I did get meds and was put on Valtrex and had two places one on the back of my neck and hair line and serveral on my chest and hurt like "H" and I hope I never have them again. I thought they were hives at first and doctor said who has upset you . It has been a stressful year for me. I though I was to young for shingles . I am glad I am on the mend .

Thanks Pam and missed not being on her lost my password and had a terrible time geting the password to work .

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Shingles - 10/11/06 08:40 PM

Bless your heart honey. You HAVE had a time of it. I was gone for a while but saw your email late last night. I see you got it taken care of. So sorry about the Shingles! I had a friend who experienced them and she cried and cried. They were so painful. Her hubby would help her into the tub at night and out again. How horrible! I'm so glad to hear you are better. Take care Renee!

Posted by: Dianne

Re: Shingles - 10/11/06 09:15 PM

I've heard they are very painful and are stress related. I hope you mend soon. It must be just awful. Welcome back!
Posted by: Sadie

Re: Shingles - 10/11/06 11:23 PM

Thanks Diane and J.J. I have missed you all . I cried all the way home from the doctors office last monday and called my daughter and cried and she came over to see me and I had to tell her don't get to close . My shoulder is still a little sore , but will call the doctor tomorrow and see what he wants to do . Its the nerves that kill you and the pain. I thought I had a high tolerence for pain , but not this time . Thanks for the input and comfort .
