Ear Ache

Posted by: jawjaw

Ear Ache - 09/28/09 05:35 PM

Question for anyone who wishes to reply. I've been experiencing dizzy spells when I lay down on the couch to watch TV. Not when I get up, only when I lay down. This is the ONLY time I have them; when I lay down on the couch propped up by a couple of pillows. So you might say I am at a slight angle.

The only way I can stop them is to lay flat.

Also, one of my ears seems to have a tiny throb in it. It doesn't hurt that bad, just a tad...enough to let me know it's there.

I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but would you agree that I might have a minor ear infection? If so, any home remedies?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Ear Ache - 09/28/09 05:48 PM

Here's a link that might help:
Posted by: jabber

Re: Ear Ache - 09/28/09 10:55 PM

Or possibly an inner ear infection?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Ear Ache - 09/28/09 11:20 PM

I as much as I dislike going to any kind of doctors, I would not mess around with home remedies for an inner ear problem. It could get worse real fast being in the inner ear where it is dark and somewhat damp.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Ear Ache - 09/29/09 03:38 AM

Get thee to a doctor..your inner ear controls your balance. And already you're feeling dizzy. Not good. This becomes important the older we get, when our sense of balance is not as "flexible" when we were children.

It doesn't take much..you could fall/slip and hurt yourself due to balance problems right now.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Ear Ache - 09/29/09 12:53 PM

How's the ear today?

orchid, balance and pilates. I know what you're talking about. I'm not nearly as flexible nor steady as I was when a child. But by looking at the other women in the class, I can see there's hope.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Ear Ache - 09/29/09 01:24 PM

Sigh...no insurance. I'll see about a doc-in-a-box.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Ear Ache - 09/29/09 04:22 PM

JJ, check out this link:

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Ear Ache - 09/29/09 05:54 PM

Thanks for this page. Boy is it ever thorough...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Ear Ache - 09/30/09 12:53 AM

Remember even without any insurance if you go to the emergency room of any hospital THEY HAVE TO TREAT YOU and send you a bill. My son did that all the time and will now again too since he's not on my DIL's insurance at work anymore. You will pay them, he does, but in payments and when he can.

I know people from my church not old enough for Medicare that do it all the time, and say the hospital staff is always polite and caring...
Posted by: diamond50

Re: Ear Ache - 09/30/09 10:04 AM

Yes, the ER is used for "primary care" when no other options are available, or at least that is the way in Hawaii for the uninsured.

Go to the doctor; not worth the pain/trouble if you don't.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Ear Ache - 09/30/09 01:52 PM

If it is an ear infection, you need to get it cleared up sooner, rather than later. Bite the financial bullet and go to ER.

But first:

It also might be related to your blood pressure. Go to a Walgreen's, or any where else that has a free blood pressure machine. Take your blood pressure sitting down, first. Then stand for two minutes, and take it standing up a second time. If there is a 20% drop, it could be blood pressure related.

No, I am not a doctor, I only play one at home. smile
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Ear Ache - 09/30/09 02:35 PM

Good gosh...isn't that something? I would have never thought to do that. My blood pressure is always so low that everybody wants to bury me when they take it. They say no one could live with that low a pressure.

I'm going into town tomorrow. I think I'll drop by Walgreens first and hopefully eliminate that possibility.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Ear Ache - 09/30/09 06:04 PM

Anno, you play a doctor at home and now - online! Great suggestion.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Ear Ache - 10/01/09 12:41 AM

Originally Posted By: chatty lady
Remember even without any insurance if you go to the emergency room of any hospital THEY HAVE TO TREAT YOU and send you a bill. My son did that all the time and will now again too since he's not on my DIL's insurance at work anymore. You will pay them, he does, but in payments and when he can.

I know people from my church not old enough for Medicare that do it all the time, and say the hospital staff is always polite and caring...

Not to get too political about this:

But I feel sad on behalf for jawjaw..that given U.S.'s current health care system that someone like her is forced to hesitate to see a doctor within the next 1-2 days because ..of simply private cost, billing costs later on and probably problems of immediate future payments.

Most Canadians I personally know wouldn't hesitate for jawjaw's type of probelm..they would be contacting the doctor's office for an appointment. There would be no additional cost to be examined by doctor thereafter. It's covered by our monthly premium to govn't health authority.

A few years ago, I personally had a serious dizzy spell, saw doctor next day (I couldn't get up because my vision was wonky.) and then referral to an ear-throat-nose specialist...then to audiotesting clinic at a research-teaching hospital in my home city.

There was no charge...just patience required to take time to go through the chain of specialists.

My sister also experienced a different set of symptoms for a few months and underwent examination by 2 specialists. She does have tinnitus/ringing in the ears more often now.

However neither of us experienced ear pain.

Dizzy spells/balance problems are disabling..enough not to walk (or at least quickly), negotiate staircases, even drive a car for far/fast.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Ear Ache - 10/01/09 01:15 AM

I'm just seeing this, but I would suggest you try one of the "minute clinics" that are in many Walgreen's and CVS pharmacies or some other Urgent Care Center. They are mostly staffed with nurse practitioners, but can treat many common ailments and write prescriptions. And they are cheaper than the emergency room. Ear problems shouldn't be ignored as they can escalate into something much more serious.