total hip replacement

Posted by: Barbara S

total hip replacement - 02/19/09 09:48 PM

Hi, ladies! I'm recovering from hip replacement surgery. My progress is going at about the expected rate. 2 weeks after surgery I have switched from a walker to a cane. As I continue to improve physically, I become more bored mentally. I cannot drive and will not be able to for at least another 2 weeks. I'm crocheting a baby blanket for a colleague and writing the story of my parents' romance. Any other suggestions?
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: total hip replacement - 02/19/09 10:45 PM

But if you weren't house-bound, you'd have never found us!! smile

If I were house-bound, I'd probably go through the gazillion printed and digital photos and videos and try to put them into some kind of order.

Are you up to fixing lunch for a friend, or maybe order in and have a friend over? I know I like some real conversation too; sometimes just sitting at the computer all day just doesn't cut it!

Glad you're progressing well.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: total hip replacement - 02/21/09 12:07 AM

Yeah lady, take it easy, it sounds like you are doing plenty already after having major surgery...Hope all heals well soon.

I also crochet all sizes of afghans and ponchos. I just finished a blanket and sweater in pastel pinks for one of our ladies grand-yorkies birthday present.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: total hip replacement - 02/21/09 02:59 PM

Hi Barbara S and welcome to our community. We're so glad you've joined us! My sister had hip replacement surgery and so I know first-hand of the recovery period and what all it entails. God love you, it is a somewhat slow process, but she is so much better today and says it was worth every minute of the recovery period.

Since you are a writer, do you also enjoy reading and movies? Organizing things could take up quite a bit of time as well. Like in one of my own "down time" periods, I took one drawer in the kitchen every day and organized it. Talk about purging...geeish.

Also, you could watch some of those movies you've been wanting to see, or read that book you've been putting off.

What about trying your hand at a new craft? Art? Beading? Candle making? Just a thought. Do you have a musical instrument you've been wanting to try like a clarinet? I wouldn't suggest the drums or piano, too much hip movement.

You might even want to think about writing a 500-word article on recover from hip surgery and submit it for payment to a medical magazine...or health magazine...just some more thoughts.

Whatever you do, we're glad you're here!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: total hip replacement - 02/23/09 07:06 PM

babera s hi and hope your still healling well. Hope you stick around to chat a bit through your convislesence and afterwards too smile
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: total hip replacement - 02/24/09 09:01 PM

When I'm stuck in the house, I like to organize. Are you well enough to do any of that? Even if it's bills, photos, drawers, whatever. It gives me a feeling of accomplishment which is needed when recovering.

How about calling old friends or family members you haven't spoken with in a while? That's always fun.

How's the recovery coming?
Posted by: Lola

Re: total hip replacement - 02/24/09 09:24 PM

Found my way to BWS after surgery as well, Barbara. And, then it was veni, vidi, velcro. Welcome to BWS and heal well.