rash under breasts

Posted by: Bichonlover

rash under breasts - 09/22/08 06:17 PM

I get this rash under my breasts that I can get to go away in about 4 days but it keeps coming back. I use a Vaginal cream for infections. (Miconazole)

Does anybody know what else I can do? I'm so sick of this recurring. My Dr. said to keep it dry and continue with the cream.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: rash under breasts - 09/22/08 06:48 PM

I just posted a loooong post about this and lost it, GRRRRRRR!!

Here it is again in a nutshell. I suffered for months with this same thng, The dermatologist I went to was quick to tell me, "you have a rash." DUH! No shi/, Sherlock...

So I tried this myself and it worked....

1. Three things use a mild soap daily, pat dry the area well.

2. With a cotton ball, rub the area with alcohol, it may sting the first time but will definitely end your rash after several days.

3. Always wear a bra, even a sleep bra except when sleeping.

Keep thess three things up and you'll be rash free in no time.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: rash under breasts - 09/22/08 09:06 PM

Thrush infection and only a suitable cream will help.
Cut out sugar products.Yes and clean and dry.no skin to skin..sp bra..cotton and not skimpy
Poor you
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: rash under breasts - 09/22/08 09:43 PM

I've had heat rash but not any other kind. What works best is, after every shower, dry thoroughly and liberally apply cornstarch underneath.
Posted by: Bichonlover

Re: rash under breasts - 09/22/08 10:06 PM

Gee thanks everyone for the quick replies. Now I need to figure out how to get email notifications!!

Anyway, I am using the Miconazole, anti yeast and fungal.
I wash and dry daily and use powder especially if I have my bra off. Guess I need to wear a bra all the time? Oh my, what kind of a life that will be. Fun! NOT

That is one of my problems. I have slow stomach emptying and have to take my bra off (feels like a vice) sometimes mid afternoon. So I douse myself with baby powder but now have switched to Athlete's powder as it has the same medication as the yeast infection cream.

Chatty Lady, I will try the clean/dry and alcohol. ~Cringe~ I also have some sleep bra's and give it a try. Thanks

Mountain Ash, is there a different medication for Thrush/Candida? Just today I was thinking of cutting out all sugar. It's in everything!!!! Does that include fruit???

meredithbead, I have tried cornstarch too. But if all else fails I'll try it again. smile

What a nice bunch of gals. Thank you so much. Now I'm off to wash/dry and put alcohol on and get that sleep bra on.

Thank you again for your replies.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: rash under breasts - 09/23/08 04:25 AM

Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: rash under breasts - 09/23/08 04:29 AM

Sorry my fingers are clumsy today.

Yes fruit is a no .There is a candida diet and if followed can make you well.
Your tummy may also be a trigger and a change of diet may enhance your whole life.
Always check that ommiting any food still lets you have a balanced diet.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: rash under breasts - 09/23/08 07:19 AM

Pamela Singh Nutritionist

she states in two lists whay to avoid and what to eat.
Also medical advice thereafter
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: rash under breasts - 09/23/08 08:55 AM

BL, just curious, do you have rosacea? I do, and a couple of years ago it was so bad on my face that it was oozing - very ugly and painful. While rosacea usually manifests on the face, it is also known to break out under the breasts. It took years of trying every remedy in the book, (including dietary changes, strong antibiotics and expensive creams) before I finally found something that worked (ProActiv). Within weeks, my face was completely clear...now I only have to use the stuff as necessary. But I still have to use ProActiv regularly on the rash under my breast and it works there too.

I cannot wear a bra at night - if I do, the rosacea flares up there quite badly by morning (heat and sweat are major triggers for me).

If you DO have rosacea on your face, there's a good possibility that the rash under your breasts could be rosacea too.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: rash under breasts - 09/23/08 09:36 AM

Try Di's shea butter. She is sending out free samples. Worth a try.
Posted by: Di

Re: rash under breasts - 09/23/08 09:41 AM

Sure I'll send you a sample!! PM me and I'll get it out to you!!
Thanks, Chickadee, for remembering us!!

I'd also recommend our Pine Tar Soap for cleansing the area prior to the Shea Butter. The Sops is not on the site but available for sale. Locally it's very much sought after!!!
Posted by: Mama Red

Re: rash under breasts - 09/23/08 09:41 AM

Hi Bichonlover

I, too, have had a rash similar to the one you're describing, although it is hard to know if the cause is the same. I've been on the anti candida diet mentioned and it helped. I've had the same feeling you've had with the bra feeling like a vice midday...sometimes I swell so much during the day I feel like I wear a different size clothes in the afternoon! I'm working with a holistic MD right now and the first thing he did was run some tests for thyroid and hormone balance. The next thing he did was take me off gluten and dairy (talk about 2 ingredients that are in everything...jeez!). He asked me to pay very close attention to how I felt when I ate a meal with gluten (I chose to start there...), and I blow up like a balloon. Amazing! I haven't gotten completely off of it AND I do feel better when I do.

He said one of the reasons is something called "leaky gut syndrome" where the intestines have tiny perforations in them and stuff leaks out (yucky sounding, I know!) .. that then causes bloating and allergies (thus leaving out gluten and dairy...two of the most common allergens). When combined with candida (systemic yeast infection, which is fed by sugars, including carbs) it causes a lot of different symptoms.

When I went on the anti-candida diet, it was no fruits or carbs...primarily proteins and veggies, I felt a lot better. And, especially at the beginning, was a pain in the tuckus! It is amazing how many things have sugar, in some form or another. It took about 10 days of staying off these things before I stopped craving them. That fungus definitely wants to be fed!

One thing I found was that after the initial 10 days, I felt better and was rarely craving sugars like I had been before, so it was worth it (although I forget that and jump right back to old eating habits very easily...I've got a rather addictive personality!). One of the recommendations I had was to cut out the obvious sugars first, then work on those hiding as other ingredients.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: rash under breasts - 09/23/08 10:34 AM

Mama, I admire you for doing this. I'm not disciplined enough to undergo such dietary changes. How are you doing now? For this to work for you, it has to be a forever change, right?
Posted by: Mama Red

Re: rash under breasts - 09/23/08 11:25 AM

Thanks Dotsie...I have been VERY inconsistent with this...I've known about it for years and, with my beautifully addictive personality (grin), I do it with passion for a while, then "fall off the wagon".

I actually started with this holistic MD two weeks ago...things are a bit, shall we say, "challenging" right now. In fact, they are challenging enough that I'm willing to consider, possibly, maybe, even listening to his advice (grin).

It isn't necessarily a forever change...if you can do things in moderation and not trigger the allergic type reactions by being constantly stressed out. For people who have a true gluten allergy (or Celiac Disease), yes it is a lifetime change. Without making the change, it means one heckuva miserable existence!

By the way, how are things going with Ross and the recovery from the fire?
Posted by: Bichonlover

Re: rash under breasts - 09/23/08 11:27 AM

Wow, what great replies. Thanks everyone.

I use to do low carb! But got to the point I was afraid of all the saturated fat I was eating so quit.

My tummy bloating is from Gastroparesis and I have been tested for it. The food just sits in my tummy for hours and probably ferments there. Gosh, now that I say that...lightbulb. Doesn't that sound like it could be the problem? For that diet, I'm to eat no fiber and or fat. Ha! how can you live with out those foods. Doesn't matter, some days I can eat fiber and fat without any problem and other days I can eat and wham. I rip off that bra so fast. So I'm at a total loss about that. Now this problem that's been causing me fits for about 4 or 5 years off and on.

M.Ash, I'll stay off the fruit too. I'll check out that Nutritionist too. Thanks for the name.

Eagle heart, I have rosasea off and on mainly when I get excited. Then it will last a few days. But I've only had it once where I needed to go to the Dr. for antibiotics. But it's something to consider. ProActiv is a cream you can buy OTC right? I might pick some up.

chickadee, I'll PM Di immediately. Thanks for the tip.

Mama Red, I've been checked and rechecked for thyroid and hormone levels. They even checked me for gluten when I was started having all this tummy trouble. I seem to be the perfect specimen looking at all my blood tests. If I have to give up Cheese I'll die.

Gosh, all these recommendations. I think I need to work on one thing at a time. I don't eat a lot of sugar...until I started reading all the labels. Dang, even V8 juice had 6 grams of sugar. Why? For now, I'm going to stay completely away from sugar and fruit. If that doesn't work, I'll read up on the Candida diet or go Low Carb. One of these has got to work.

You gals are the best. Thanks for all your suggestions.
Posted by: Di

Re: rash under breasts - 09/23/08 02:12 PM

Your Smidgen/Sample is going out tomorrow, Julie!! (I've added some Tea Tree oil for an added healing touch.)
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: rash under breasts - 09/23/08 10:02 PM

This conversation is so enlightening as I thought I was the ONLY ONE this happened to. Wow!!! I am glad and sad at the same time. Glad I don't suffer alone, some kind of freak, and sad because I don't suffer alone, and this is more common than I knew...
Posted by: Mama Red

Re: rash under breasts - 09/23/08 10:03 PM


I do relate sweetie...I do relate! I've had the symptoms of low thyroid for years...and was told by who knows how many docs that I didn't have a problem with my thyroid. And on and on and on it went! Weight skyrocketing (I don't EVEN want to admit how much I weigh...eek!), energy plummeting, belly looking like I was a few months pregnant and self esteem running hell bent for leather to the most distant mountain...without the rest of me!

A couple of weeks ago I was introduced to a holistic MD who listened for a bit to my history, then began to tell me what I was probably going through and HAD been going through for the last 30 years of my life. I was stunned into silence (not an easy thing to do...if the handle chatty lady hadn't been taken, it would be a perfect fit for me...no offense chatty!).

For the first time in more years than I can count, I feel there may be hope for a life without chronic pain, rashes, exhaustion, depression, and emotional roller coasters that beat anything ever found at an amusement park!

I know it is a challenge and I know it can get frustrating and I know you've got a fabulous support system with the BWS ladies. As you can see from the responses, there are lots of us out there struggling! I wish it were an easy "its this, do this" and you're done. Aw ... that is a beautiful dream, eh?

Oh, I'm glad to see Di is sending Tea Tree Oil...that is what I use for the rash I get under my breasts...it may sting if you're particularly raw and I find it helpful for so many things that my son rolls his eyes and looks for help from the Creator if he happens to mention some sort of something or other on his skin giggle).

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to be service...

And I'm widya on the giving up cheese! Been there...and learned to like some goat and sheep cheese in the process (my son was so lactose intolerant as an infant that he could have NO cow's milk dairy!). Picking one thing at a time is a great idea and not as likely to drive you into the nearest loony bin!
Posted by: Bichonlover

Re: rash under breasts - 09/26/08 01:48 PM

So far so good. I'm washing/drying twice a day. Using alcohol and when that dries using the Desenix at least twice a day.If I feel a little itch, I run for my Desenix. No rash. I guess I'll just need to do this. I was hoping for a cure! Not sure if that's out there but maybe this will keep it from getting real bad.

You are all the best and want to thank you for all the help. It is strange that I've never heard about this from other women. Ye gads they talk about everything else! LOL

Di, thanks for sending the samples. I am really looking forward to both of them.
Posted by: Di

Re: rash under breasts - 09/26/08 02:38 PM

A friend of mine tells me that, once something "appears" out of nowhere, our bodies are telling us something.

All/any of the topical stuff can help greatly, but if it returns at any given time during the uses of these applications, your internal "self" is not happy about something.

But if it IS just a topical issue, use whatever works!
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: rash under breasts - 09/26/08 04:17 PM

A chemist friend told me that what you crave(you say cheese) may be a trigger.I like cheese and understand exactly what you are saying.My allergies/intolerances give me hives.
The tight bra...I have popped into a corner in the high street to magicly unhook the back( under my jacket) such is the discomfort.
Do you think we are sisters..?I so emphisise.

Mountain ash
Posted by: Mama Red

Re: rash under breasts - 10/01/08 03:00 PM

I am soooooo there with you! Good thing I wear loose clothes or someone might need to pick up the ladies for me... smile
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: rash under breasts - 10/02/08 09:03 AM

Ladies? I call them the bad boys...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: rash under breasts - 10/03/08 05:26 AM

Well when I was young, I enjoyed having big bazooms. I felt so glamorous and sexy, then I hit 60 and now I wish I was flat chested, and didn't need to wear a lousy bra, hate these suckers...yuk!!!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: rash under breasts - 10/03/08 08:37 AM

Tsk...tsk...Chatty! Look on the bright side...we don't ever have to invest in life jackets!
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: rash under breasts - 10/03/08 09:15 AM

Oh great, I'm gonna drown!
Posted by: jabber

Re: rash under breasts - 10/03/08 09:37 AM

Shea's Butter is a panacea. I never heard of a "sleep bra"; how is it different from a bra worn in the daytime? I only wear a bra when in public. Large breasts get in the way sometimes.
If you hit a door or fall on one, it's a huge ouch! I've had a couple such incidents like that, lately. But as yet, I haven't
had a rash underneath those, jj referred, "bad boys". Hope you find a cure, via some of the boomers' fine suggestions.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: rash under breasts - 10/03/08 04:24 PM

Sleep bra's are made of very light, silky material and are not form fitting, but loose. They just serve really to keep your breasts incased so its not skin on skin, at least thats what I use them for. It helps to keep the rashes away.

Dancing Dolphin, I spit my tea all over the place when I read your line above about drowning. It just struck me so funny.
Posted by: jabber

Re: rash under breasts - 10/04/08 09:31 AM

You're right Chatty. That was funny! But Dolphins don't drown. Do they?
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: rash under breasts - 10/04/08 10:32 AM

Jabber, you're right! I'm a dolphin, so I don't need big bazoombas to stay afloat! Phew....
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: rash under breasts - 10/04/08 10:36 PM

The bigger they are the harder they fall.
Posted by: jabber

Re: rash under breasts - 10/05/08 12:03 PM

"Big bazoombas" can get in the way, sometimes. You're pretty and have a great personality; that's all ya need, dolphin deer! I like what PL said, "The bigger they are the harder they fall."
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: rash under breasts - 10/05/08 06:25 PM

How about using a little cornstarch under the mammas? That might help with the rash.
Posted by: jabber

Re: rash under breasts - 10/07/08 08:44 AM

It could be the cornstarch will help. I use "After Shower" powder sometimes. Perhaps, that'd help?
Posted by: gims

Re: rash under breasts - 10/07/08 10:35 AM

How do you feel about walking on your hands for a couple of days... let those puppies air out?

This is a rash powder a caregiver for my aunt shared with me. She said to brown flour in an iron skillet, just til it's a soft brown color. Apply the flour to the rash as you would baby powder. Does it work? I've not tried it personally, but my aunt had a diaper rash and they used it to clear it up. The caregiver kept the flour in a zip lock baggy.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: rash under breasts - 10/07/08 12:47 PM

gims, love your comment about airing those puppies out.
Posted by: gims

Re: rash under breasts - 10/08/08 02:29 AM

oh, the visual... heehee. eek
Posted by: jabber

Re: rash under breasts - 10/08/08 10:23 AM

Love it. Gims you're a cooler. I don't have an iron skillet.
But if I did, I'd try it for sure....heeeeeeehawwww...

jj, it's so neat that the edit works! Hope I don't wear it out...
Posted by: Mama Red

Re: rash under breasts - 10/08/08 12:44 PM

Actually, I have used the "browned flour" remedy...once I tried it on my son (who had really painful diaper rash from meds), I never got the commercial brands again. Looks funny as all get out though...especially in a "used" diaper! Matt's godmother told me that is what her grandmother (from the Appalachian Mountains) used and by gum, it worked and it short order too!
Posted by: jabber

Re: rash under breasts - 10/09/08 08:32 AM

Grandmother had the neatest cures for all types of stuff.
You know my parents and grandparents didn't have a whole lot of education. But they were the smartest folks I've ever had the
pleasure to encounter. Two and three generations back, they were
Posted by: Bichonlover

Re: rash under breasts - 10/10/08 02:14 PM

Just a follow up. I've used Desenix at least twice a day and it's working. I have not had another flare up since. OMG a miracle. I use it first thing in the morning and when I take off my bra and again before bedtime. YAHOOOOO