My 12 year old daughter has had asthma for about 4 years.
She has been on Singulair, twice the adult dose of
Zyrtec, Claritin, Benadrly, allergy shots, and an
Albuterol inhaler. She was on Zyrtec daily and using
her inhaler almost every day, without good results,
having daily headaches, and uncontrolled allergies.
Two weeks ago she quit taking any medicine and we started on this vitamin
supplement called Reliv. She ended up using her
inhaler once in the 2 week period and her headaches
are gone. Today, Friday April 28, we went to the
pediatrician. The purpose of this visit was to
evaluate her adhd and asthma and possibly put
her on yet another medicine, Advair, an inhaled steroid.
As a nurse, the last thing I wanted was to have her on
another medicine, especially a steroid. Anyway I told
the doctor what we were doing, she continued to encourage
the second inhaler and then...she listened to her lungs.
And she listened, and listened, and listened and stood
there for a minute. She looked puzzled knowing how bad
as asthmatic my daughter is, being off her medicine for
2 weeks, and it's spring...she looked as if she didnt
know what to say- because her lungs were CLEAR.
So she said I'm going to give her a pulmonary
function test, what was said after the test
was "You did awesome". Please dont take this as a
solicitation, I'm not a distributor-yet. I will be in
May, just to get this stuff at a discount. If you knew
my daughter, you would be amazed that she could be off
allergy medicine at any time of the year. Myself and my
family are dumbfounded. I would like to talk to anyone
who has questions and help you anyway I can. And as I
said I'm not a distributor, but plan on being one. If
I decide not to, I can get you to someone who can help
you. I also am going to sign a medical release to get
a copy of the physical and the p.f. test given to my
daughter so anyone who asks can have access to it. I
am sincere and want to prove it, this isn't just another
song and dance "cure all". I can also give you a 30
day money back guarantee. It's showing more blessings
everyday for us. FYI-she also has adhd and has brought
home Bs and the last 3 tests. Anyone who wants to
talk can email me at
Take care.