I am soooo angry! My poor mother-in-law has not been well. Ever since returning to the nursing home from the hospital she has been doing very poorly. At first, I thought it was because she was not completely over her bronchial infection. But her lungs were clear. What was even more clear was the fact that something was wrong. I would mention it and mention it to the staff at the nursing home. My daughter also mentioned that she thought her grandmother was in pain because she would draw her leg up as if she were in pain.
Wellllll......it turns out she has a UTI!!!!! And on top of that they did not put STAT on the lab specimen and it will not go out until tomorrow morning (I found this out after it was too late for me to run it over to the lab myself!!)
She has not been responsive, animated, looking well for weeks. I mentioned it and mentioned it to anyone and everyone and they have just poo pooed my concerns. Tomorrow, I am going in there and blowing the roof off. (Okay, so I am not really going to be that nasty, but I AM going to make sure my concerns and feelings are known. If I am not taken seriously I will complain to the the Ombudsman!!! When she had a incontinent episode her urine was very strong and bad smelling. Combine that with the fact that she has been behaving like death warmed over and you would think they would have given her lab specimen some priority.
She can not verbalize these things and so they think everything is hunky dory. [Mad] [Mad] [Mad] [Mad] [Mad]
Now, I know they are overworked and they really are some wonderful people, but this better NOT happen again.