I was just wondering if anyone else is suffering under this ailment.

I played golf today, and at the 7th hole, my heart seemed to stop , then made a big like blup…I can’t explain it any other way…and I felt really weird…like I was going to faint. Hubby took one look at me, and told me to wait at the road, he’ll get the car. At home we measured my pulse; 180. Hubby called the ambulance, and the doctor measured again, and my pulse was at 205! Crazy. Anyway they injected something in me, Hung some liquid bottle from our kitchen lamp, and I watched these paramedics work on me like through a fog.

After about half an hour,… I felt like I was ready to play golf again.
Of course I didn’t. I’ve had these attacks twice before, but never quite this bad. It started with menopause, and I read somewhere that it’s not unusual for women to get these heart rhythm disorders. It’s pretty scary.

It would be interesting to know how your doctor treats you. Next week I’ll be going to a cardiologist.